“A great experience for my 11 years old daughter in a beautiful place with a great staff. Well done!”
“I believe that I.L.A. is one of the better schools in Rome and Italy. After doing much research, I was happy to choose to work with them. They offer a very professional service with a wide range of classes, workshops etc. for students of all ages and abilities. They believe in a creative, supportive and fun learning environment. Great, supportive management which can be rare to find and friendly, kind staff who do their very best for everyone through communication and professional development. They care about their students! Recommended!”
“The staff comprising native English speakers are friendly, welcoming and efficient. They teach in a fun and exciting way. The best in Roma I would say!”
“Professionalism and expertise at it’s best!!!????????????????????????”
“Camp is (a) beautiful experience. They (the lessons) are different and creative, you learn a lot and more easily and workshops are really good to do. Before camp English was bad for me but now I like it and I come back next year and every year!”
“I love, love, love the workshops! I do so many beautiful things I’ve never done before. I was on the TV, I made lights and I won the cooking (competition)!”
“The camp is lots and lots of fun. I made many new friends and the teachers are really nice and funny! At camp they do lots of games but make you learn lots and lots in lessons and the English is so useful.”
“The tutors are fun, kind and never boring! Sometimes they are magic and crazy! Jay was very funny and played lots of games with my class… Jay was my favourite.”
“My tutor was very beautiful. She was from Ireland. She taught us how to dance like Ireland and we made cakes, a diary and she is my friend now.”
“The afternoon sports; very, very good! I did archery, tennis, football, basketball, swimming, hiking, mountain bike. My favourite was archery and tennis, they were fantastic!”
“I loved the disco and doing the activities and Zumba and the games and Mr & Mrs Pescasseroli was the funniest evening of the week and I saw a magic light show with two teachers. It was fantastic!”
“We played many games but only speak English. Yes, (it) is difficult but (it) is really fun and I want (to) come back next year because (it) is really, really fun!”
“All the workshops were good – I loved the painting and dancing and when we went to town and spoke English with all the people in town we laugh so much and we danced and everyone danced with us. My favourite day was this (one) because it was so wonderful!”
“The teachers really are excellent! They do lots of sport and play games and we have crazy fun. I did Zumba and horse riding every day and now I am really good!”
“Wonderful I.L.A. camp – Inghilterra a casa!”
“Awesome and stupendo!”
“The English lessons were fantastic and always fun. You learn many different games and things and see beautiful places too!”
Genitori e Insegnanti
“Un corso di inglese a scuola di sicuro aiuta ma chiaramente per raggiungere un livello avanzato in tempi limitati è importante fare una FULL IMMERSION e noi abbiamo trovato la soluzione con l’I.L.A. ENGLISH & SPORTS CAMP! Davvero una magnifica esperienza per i nostri due figli gemelli, hanno potuto praticare il loro inglese sempre e solo con personale qualificato madrelingua. I tutor sono accoglienti, creativi, divertenti e insegnano l’inglese con un approccio metodologico molto efficace. Vengono in Italia esclusivamente per la I.L.A., nessuno di loro parla italiano, portano la loro cultura, i loro usi e costumi ed è meraviglioso per i bambini ed i ragazzi crescere in un ambiente interculturale restando in Italia.”
“I campi I.L.A. dovrebbero essere obbligatori – un I.L.A. campus è il luogo ideale dove imparare l’inglese. La scuola dovrebbe ispirarsi all’I.L.A. English & Sports Camp per accrescere la motivazione ad imparare bene una lingua straniera.”
“Esperienza formativa molto valida. La migliore che mia figlia abbia fatto! Grazie di cuore a tutto lo Staff I.L.A.”
“Agli I.L.A. Camp si imparano cose che non si possono imparare in classe, espressioni e modi di dire che nascono dalla convivenza diretta con tutor anglofoni provenienti dai diversi paesi in cui si parla la lingua inglese. Tutto il campo ha un valore inestimabile e rafforza il programma scolastico d’inglese in un modo molto positivo. Lo consiglio a tutti i miei studenti, dato che aumenta l’autostima e la fiducia di poter imparare la lingua inglese in modo divertente, con risultati strepitosi e con una ricaduta notevole sull’apprendimento.”
“Molto, molto divertente e coinvolgente – Incredibile la differenza di comprensione e produzione in lingua inglese tra il primo e l’ultimo giorno del Campus!”
“Staff altamente professionale ed attento che ha saputo far appassionare nostra figlia Matilde alla lingua inglese, socializzazione e integrazione tra i partecipanti davvero magnifica. Grazie!”
“Gli I.L.A. CAMP sono davvero ben organizzati e il programma didattico che svolgono è semplicemente esemplare. Ho scelto di soggiornare e vivere in prima persona l’esperienza dell‘I.L.A. English & Sports per poter consigliare ai miei studenti con osservazioni personali e vere. Vivere questa esperienza mi ha davvero caricata ed arricchita di nuove idee che porterò in classe e insegnerò ai miei alunni. Sono rimasta affascinata dai laboratori di ogni genere: CLIL., Junior Masterchef, esperimenti scientifici, drama, etc. – Il metodo I.L.A. è veramente veloce e efficace. Gli studenti imparano la lingua inglese in modo spontaneo, naturale, con un accento appropriato e divertendosi grazie all’insegnamento di fantastici tutor, esperti madrelingua che amano i bambini!
“Insegnano l’inglese in modo efficace. I workshop sono delle attività divertenti grazie alle quali i ragazzi imparano facendo – è molto bello.”
“(I.L.A. Staff) Sono tutti gentili, simpatici, preparati e disponibili. Un campo super – lo consiglio vivamente.”
I.L.A. Staff
“I.L.A. has a great way of doing things, I just loved it. I could be as creative as I liked and it really worked with the kids. We were trained and assisted right through and everyone was so enthusiastic – the whole experience was so rewarding.”
“The students were excellent and behaved very well. Everyone cared and supported each other. I genuinely loved my four weeks here!”
“Having so many students and new ones each week was great. I think the camp is very well organised and you can see that all the students and teachers really enjoy it. I’m coming back!”
“Staff conditions were amazing! Super clean rooms and kind staff in the hotel. The whole camp is so well organized and from the day I arrived I felt really taken care of. It is definitely one of the best camps I’ve ever worked at.”